Track Flowing Within (Keg)

Availability:  2 In stock
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If you were to design the quintessential Track IPA, where would you start? You'd probably make it super pale, neither dry nor sweet, with enough body to handle a glut of dry hopping. It would definitely contain the holy trinity (in our opinion) of modern IPA hops; Citra, Nelson Sauvin and Motueka. And you would use our house yeast, bringing juicy fruit salad notes and ending fermentation with 6.5% alcohol by volume. All in all, it would probably taste a lot like THIS.

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ABV (%): 6.5
Beer Style: Hazy IPA
Litres: 30.00
Vegan Friendly: Yes
Availability:  1 In stock
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Vegan Friendly: Yes
Availability:  1 In stock
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ABV (%): 5.2
Beer Style: IPA
Litres: 30.00
Vegan Friendly: Yes
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Untappd Beer Rating
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Litres: 30.00
Vegan Friendly: Yes
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Untappd Beer Rating
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