Pentrich Brewing Co Meet The Meek (Cask)

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A malt driven Dark Mild with flavours of toasted caramel and subtle chocolate. Goldings hops add light spices and bramble fruit notes to complement the malt flavours.

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ABV (%): 4.0
Litres: 50.00
Availability:  6 In stock
An aromatic sweet cider expertly blended with exotic mango to create a mouth watering...
Untappd Beer Rating
3.76 (7,957)
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ABV (%): 3.4
Beer Style: Mild
Litres: 40.90
Vegan Friendly: Yes
Availability:  5 In stock
A delightful blend of flavours, like a fig wrapped in biscuit, followed by the rich...
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ABV (%): 4.0
Litres: 50.00
Availability:  5 In stock
We have blended our Somerset cider with an explosion of tropical fruits. Pink...
Untappd Beer Rating
3.70 (2,166)
  In stock
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ABV (%): 3.3
Beer Style: Mild
Litres: 40.90
Availability:  4 In stock
A *classic* mild. biscuit, nuttiness, smoothness, honey and caramel flavours from the...
Untappd Beer Rating
3.31 (2,376)