New Bristol Coffee & Biscotti Stout (Cask)

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Inspired by the delicious Italian pairing, Coffee & Biscotti Stout is brewed with a bevy of dark malts, biscotti and coffee beans from our friends at Extract Coffee.

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ABV (%): 5.7
Beer Style: Stout
Litres: 40.90
Vegan Friendly: Yes
Availability:  3 In stock
An extra winter stout with a rich palette, roasted notes, fruity hops and a long, dry,...
Untappd Beer Rating
3.79 (3,253)
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ABV (%): 5.0
Beer Style: Pale Ale
Litres: 30.00
Vegan Friendly: Yes
Availability:  5 In stock
Change Is A Constant Always 5%, Tondo promises to be a juicy and soft Pale with a...
Untappd Beer Rating
3.66 (1,483)
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ABV (%): 5.2
Beer Style: IPA
Litres: 30.00
Vegan Friendly: Yes
Availability:  2 In stock
Chock full of hop flavour and aromas emoting soft zesty orange, pear and watermelon. A...
Untappd Beer Rating
3.76 (1,966)
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ABV (%): 5.0
Beer Style: Scottish Export Ale
Gluten Free: Yes
Litres: 30.00
Vegan Friendly: Yes
Availability:  3 In stock
American-style Scottish Export. A complex malt profile twinned with Columbus and...